Home > Hunter Park GardenHouse

Hunter Park GardenHouse

About the Hunter Park GardenHouse

The Hunter Park GardenHouse, a project of Allen Neighborhood Center, is a hub for year-round farm & garden education, where neighbors volunteer to grow food, flowers, and community, and youth develop job and life skills in service to the neighborhood.

Since 2008, the Hunter Park GardenHouse has empowered neighbors to grow, prepare, and eat healthy food to better their health and become better connected with the community.  We are open 5-6 days a week, and offer a wide assortment of programs. Our current programs include:

Garden Workshops 

Garden Supplies

  • Plant starts– large assortment of veggie, herb, and flower starts! Sustainably-grown in the Hunter Park GardenHouse. SPRING 2024 Plant Sale will go live in February 2024

Growing Food

  • We grow and sell produce through a Multi-Grower CSA– providing access to affordable, locally-grown veggies, nearly year-round.
  • Wholesale produce sales are occasionally available, follow us on Facebook to catch our offerings!

Youth Programs


Launched in May 2008, the GardenHouse measures 30′ X 96′ and was part of a 9-point plan to improve Hunter Park, along with the walking path and the Hunter Park Pool you can find in the park today. The entire Hunter Park project, carried out jointly by Allen Neighborhood Center and the City of Lansing Parks and Recreation, won one of thirteen Cool Cities awards given out across Michigan. Over the years, we’ve expanded our outdoor production to over 1 acre.

Get in Touch

For more information about the Hunter Park GardenHouse, contact Egypt Krohn, Hunter Park GardenHouse Director, at 517-999-3910 or egyptk@allenneighborhoodcenter.org.