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Hunter Park GardenHouse Summer Native Plant Sale

Summer 2022 native plant sale open now through Sunday, August 6th!

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Summer Native Plant Sale 2022

We are excited to offer our Summer Native Plant Sale in partnership with Wildtype Native Plant Nursery!

Thanks for checking out our Summer Native Plant Sale! All plants are grown by Wildtype Native Plant Nursery in Mason. Normally a wholesale nursery, we have partnered with Wildtype to make a select number of plant species available in retail quantities.

Click here for order form!


***ORDERS DUE August 6th!***


About the Hunter Park GardenHouse

The Hunter Park GardenHouse is a project of Allen Neighborhood Center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in Lansing, Michigan. The GardenHouse serves as a demonstration site and hub for year-round garden education. Neighbors volunteer to grow food, flowers, and community; and youth develop job and life skills in service to the neighborhood.

For ten years, the Hunter Park GardenHouse has empowered neighbors to grow, prepare, and eat healthy food to better their health and become more connected with the community. We are open 5 days a week, and offer a wide assortment of programs.

About Bendy Stem Farm

Bendy Stem Farm a small native plant nursery located in Dimondale, MI. We strive to support anyone to add native plants to their yard; whether that’s incorporating a few plants to the existing landscape or installing pollinator gardens or meadowscapes. 

About Wildtype Native Plant Nursery

Wildtype was established in 1996. For more than 20 years we have specialized in growing plants native to Michigan, from Michigan genotypes. We grow trees, shrubs, grasses, wildflowers, and emergent wetland species typical of Michigan woodlands, wetlands and prairies. It is our objective to propagate nursery stock with enough genetic diversity to create self-sustaining populations. Therefore the majority of our plants are grown from wild seed stock. This is what we mean when we say our plants are “borne to be wild”.  We keep track of when and where the seeds or cuttings were collected and where and how they were grown and handled. This information can be supplied upon request.

Wildtype also provides ecological services for public, commercial and residential projects focusing on restoration and preservation of native landscapes.  Some of our services include invasive species management, native plant installation, site assessment and botanical surveys.

The name of the nursery, WILDTYPE, is borrowed from the genetic term “wild type,” which describes the typical genetic form that occurs in the natural environment. The name reflects the genetic status of the plants being propagated. Our plants are primarily grown from wild seed stock and therefore have not been bred or intentionally selected for uniformity. The majority of seeds (and in some cases cuttings) of the species listed were collected in Michigan.

Why Native Plants?

Native plants provide multiple benefits to people and wildlife, while contributing greatly to healthy soil and water in urban and rural areas. Benefits of growing native plants include: Native plants help you use less fertilizers, pesticides, and water; native plants help you keep the air around you cleaner, provide shelter and food for wildlife and support pollinators, promote biodiversity and stewardship of our natural heritage, and have been shown to save money in many different ways.

For more information, check out these articles:

Learn More About the Benefits of Native Plants

Why Rain Gardens?

While the plants available for purchase are native, they are also good species for rain gardens. Rain gardens are designed to capture rain water and prevent the rapid release of excess stormwater into municipal water systems. A well placed rain garden reduces runoff and flooding, and filters pollutants carried in stormwater runoff. Along with the municipal benefits and the conservation of a valuable natural resource, rain gardens create excellent habitat for birds and butterflies. An individual rain garden may seem like a small thing, but collectively they produce substantial neighborhood and community environmental benefits. Rain gardens improve water quality – they can reduce the amount of pollution reaching creeks and streams by up to 30%.

For more information about rain gardens, check out these articles:

Why Do We Need Rain Gardens?

Using Rain Gardens to Improve Water Quality

Rain Garden Plants

Selecting Species

Below is a list of recommended species, all native or nearly native to Michigan, suited to rain gardening, with options to fit a variety of soil, light, and moisture conditions.  The majority of these species provide showy blooms for the gardener to enjoy, as well as providing pollinator habitat, forage, and supporting song birds and other wildlife!

When planning your garden, we recommend planting 12-18” apart, choosing a variety of flowering species suited to your site as well as 30-50% ground cover species.  Planting densely and utilizing ground covers will lower weed pressure and make garden maintenance much easier, as well as increasing your rain gardens ability to hold and absorb water!  Dense plantings also decrease watering needs during dry weather; the increased shade and ground cover will reduce water loss from evaporation.

For more information on species selection, check the bottom of the page!

How to Place an Order

ORDERS DUE BY Sunday, August 6th. We accept cash, check (made payable to Allen Neighborhood Center), and credit cards (Visa & MasterCard).

Google Form: Fill out the Google Form.

Mail: Mail the order form and payment to Allen Neighborhood Center, 1611 E. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI 48912. Please do not mail cash.

Credit Card: We accept payment by check or credit card (payment via PayPal invoice). Checks are our preferred method of payment! Checks made payable to: Allen Neighborhood Center (Hunter Park GardenHouse in the memo line) and can be dropped off or mailed to 1611 E. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI 48912. Check bounce fee is $12.00

Email: Scan or photograph the order form and email it to egyptk@allenneighborhoodcenter.org.  Don’t email credit card info- we’ll call you for payment information.

In Person at ANC: Stop in the Allen Neighborhood Center (1611 E. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI 48912) with the order form and payment. Open hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 9am-5:00pm, Wednesday 9am-6:00pm, and Friday 9am-1pm.

We are grateful for additional donations to the Hunter Park GardenHouse. As donations are tax deductible, we would be happy to provide you with a receipt of your donation.

Plant Pick-Up

Orders will be available for pick up in front of Hunter Park GardenHouse (426 Clifford St., Lansing, MI 48912) Tuesday, August 30th and Wednesday, August 31st 9:30am-12pm or 5pm-7:30pm


More Information on Species Selection