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A group of people holding bocce balls

Senior Discovery Group

Six seniors standing together in front of yellow flowers

About Senior Discovery Group

The Senior Discovery Group has been meeting every Wednesday for the last 24 years for ‘pretty good coffee and great conversation.' This program offers weekly enrichment for seniors with both educational and social programming, as well as snacks and guest presenters.


Activities range from: international guest speakers from Michigan State University; elected officials presenting updates and receiving feedback; estate planning; bocce ball; crafts; age-friendly yoga, and more.


At the Allen Neighborhood Center Great Room/Conference room for delicious coffee, fresh fruit, baked treats, social time and a stimulating presentation.

Connect with us!

A group of seniors holding up their calligraphy work

For more information about the Senior Discovery Group, please contact

Aurora Seelye

Health and Housing Coordinator

(517) 999-3917

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