The lively Wednesday Senior Discovery Group has been meeting weekly since October 2000 and offers “pretty good coffee and great conversation” to older neighbors from the Eastside and, indeed, from throughout the region.
Each weekly gathering features a speaker on a wide range of pertinent and interesting topics. For instance, on the first Wednesday of each month, the group is joined by a speaker, courtesy of MSU International Programs, who hails from another country. Guest presenters have come from dozens of African, Asian and South American countries to provide a fascinating look at their culture and customs.
Election time brings candidates for local and state offices to discuss their views and gather information from our well informed and engaged group. Other speakers focus on health, food issues, gardening, music, weather, practical housing resources, and personal development. Authors, artists, and librarians are frequent presenters.
Join us every Wednesday, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm, in the Allen Market Place classroom/conference room for delicious coffee, fresh fruit, baked treats, social time and a stimulating presentation. The group also part takes in a variety of activities for birthday and holiday celebrations. There are no costs or fees for participation in this unique program.
Contact Aurora at 517.999.3917 or if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.