Support Services
About Our Services

Allen Neighborhood Center is proud to provide many services to the community, including our Food Pantry, GardenHouse, and Outreach Office. Something not listed? Stop by and we’ll see what we can do! Allen Neighborhood Center is located at 1611 E Kalamazoo St, Lansing, MI 48912.
Our office is open Monday-Thursday from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00PM - 5:00 PM
ANC’s Outreach & Engagement Center provides information, referral, and advocacy services, ensuring access to health, human, and housing resources. In addition to linking neighbors to its own programs and services, ANC operates a referral system with other agencies, employing a 'no wrong door' approach to supporting neighbors. Examples of services include: Ingham Health Plan, Medicaid, and Food Assistant Program enrollment, linking neighbors to emergency shelter and affordable housing options, car seat checks, and assisting transgender and non-binary neighbors in legally affirming their gender.
Cash Assistance & State Emergency Relief
Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-5:00pm
Through MI Bridges, we can also assist in signing up for Cash Assistance and State Emergency Relief.
Wednesdays, 3:00-6:30pm
Allen Farmers Market is Lansing’s only year-round farmers market with 13+ diverse food vendors to shop from. We accept a variety of payment options including debit and credit cards, SNAP, EBT, Double Up Food Bucks (matching up to $20!) and once Summertime approaches, we accept Senior and WIC Project FRESH.
Mondays, 1:00-4:00pm
Breadbasket Food Pantry distributes free produce, bread, and baked goods to Eastside residents each Monday from 1-4pm.
Edible Park
Anytime plants are growing
Come visit our Hunter Park GardenHouse! The non-fenced off sections contain vegetables and fruits that are free for the community, along with signs identifying the plants. Edible Park is part of our Hunter Park GardenHouse.
Sign up for WIC/food assistance program/food stamps
Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-5:00pm
Through MI Bridges, we can also assist in signing up for WIC and the food assistance program (food stamps).
By appointment only
Looking to start a food business? Our Incubator Kitchen program allows for entrepreneurs to rent a licensed, commercial kitchen, provides food business guidance & coaching, and is a great opportunity to explore the food service field. Contact Matt Jones at kitchens@allenneighborhoodcenter.org to learn more.
Veggie Box CSA
Sign up online
Veggie Box is Allen Neighborhood Center’s multi-farm CSA, which unites dozens of local small farms to feed a common community. When you sign up for a Veggie Box membership, you’re choosing to make a season-long commitment to local eating in a way that prioritizes ethical sourcing and the interconnectedness of your local community, without sacrificing convenience. Learn more here!
Free Native Seed Library
The Free Native Seed Library, located at 500 Clifford Street, is a free resource providing native seeds and support resources to encourage neighbors to include native plants in their home gardens and landscapes. GardenHouse staff & volunteers collect and process seeds from the Wildflower Demonstration Garden at Hunter Park with the hopes that all our neighbors can add native plants to their gardens!
Eastside Farmers Tool Library
Email to learn more
In 2020, Magnolia Farms, Half Barn Farm, and Allen Neighborhood Center partnered to found the Eastside Farmers Tool Library with funding from the Selma Cafe. This resource offers high-impact small farm tools to urban growers for free, saving labor and increasing farmers’ efficiency. Email hpgh@allenneighborhoodcenter.org for more information.
Medicaid & Ingham Health Plan
Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-5:00pm
Need health insurance? The ANC Outreach team can help you enroll in Medicaid and Ingham Health Plan.
Want to learn more about healthcare coverage? Read our page here.
Market Walk
Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00-7:00pm
Starting 5/14/24
Market Walk is a creative food and fitness initiative that provides support, motivation, and opportunity to the community at large. For every 5 miles you walk you can receive $5 in tokens to spend at the Allen Farmers Market that happens every Wednesday.
Market Walk happens every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 5-7pm in Hunter Park, and virtually on Wednesdays and Saturdays through the Pacer app. We would love to see you there, sign up using this link! For more information please call 517-367-2468 or email miae@allenneighborhoodcenter.org.
Housing Resources
Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-5:00pm
Search for affordable housing, homeowner resources, and emergency shelters.
Want to learn more about housing? Click here
Social Connectivity
Community Phone, Computer, and Wifi
Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-5:00pm
Anyone can come to the Outreach Office aka the Eastside Living Room to use our phone, computer, and/or wifi.
Eastside Book Club
Second Monday of the month, 6:00-7:00pm
Come join the Eastside book club, where, every second Monday of the month, we discuss a book related to food! Call (517) 999-3917 for more information.
Email for more information
Looking to get involved with the community? Volunteering is a great way to meet like-minded friends, connect with your neighbors, and support your community. Contact Ethan Schmitt at ethans@allenneighborhoodcenter.org to get started!
Wednesdays, 10:00am
This group meets every Wednesday at 10am for “pretty good coffee and great conversation.”
By appointment only
The Allen Market Place (AMP) is a multifunctional facility operated by the Allen Neighborhood Center, and is now available for rent on a periodic or regular basis. Rental spaces include the Great Room (which includes the overlooking Mezzanine), Maker Kitchen powered by Lake Trust, Wash-Pack Kitchen, and Conference/Classroom. The AMP can be transformed for a wide variety of uses – graduation parties, small business development, weddings, workshops, meetings, and more!
For questions and inquiries, please contact Abie Kopacz at abiek@allenneighborhoodcenter.org or call (517) 999-3942. For pricing, take a look at our rate sheet. We offer discounted rates when two or more spaces are rented jointly!
Gender Affirmation Project
By appointment only
Neighbors can stop by and get support for legally changing their name and gender, and we’ll also be able to help cover the costs that come along with it. Fill out this link to make an appointment!
Car Seat Checks
By appointment only
Schedule a FREE car seat check with a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. Call (517) 999-3917 to set up an appointment.
Thursdays, 4:00-5:00pm
Take Root Garden Club is a gardening and nutrition education program for youth ages 5-10 operating in cooperation with Foster Community Center. During program sessions, members of Take Root share a healthy snack and participate in lessons and activities that explore food, gardening, plants, and community.
Take Root meets Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:00 pm at the Foster Community Center, FCC (map). Youth participants of Take Root Garden Club are active members of FCC’s after school program. To enroll your youngster in the after school program and Take Root Garden Club, contact the Foster Community Center at (517) 483-4233.
Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30-5:00pm
Youth Service Corps is a job and life skills training program for youth ages 11-17. We focus on gardening, cooking, and community service in Lansing. It is free to join and participate, and youth earn gift cards for their service. Enrollment is limited to 30 youth.
Those interested in participating in Youth Service Corp for Summer 2025 should submit a completed application to our Youth Education Manager, Kelsi Briana Smith at kelsibs@allenneighborhoodcenter.org or call (517) 999-3913 with any questions.