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Walk-In Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm

Friday by Appointment

ANC’s Outreach & Engagement Center provides information, referral, and advocacy services, ensuring access to health, human, and housing resources. In addition to linking neighbors to its own programs and services, ANC operates a referral system with other agencies, employing a ‘no wrong door’ approach to supporting neighbors. Examples of services include: Ingham Health Plan, Medicaid, and Food Assistant Program enrollment, linking neighbors to emergency shelter and affordable housing options, and assisting transgender and non-binary neighbors in legally affirming their gender.

But we also like having fun! Through exercise programs like Market Walk (offered during warmer months in Hunter Park), neighbors earn tokens to the Allen Farmers Market.  In other words, we ‘pay’ you to exercise with your neighbors!

For more information, call (517) 367-2468 or email auroras@allenneighborhoodcenter.org

Gender Affirmation Project

If any neighbors need help with name and/or gender marker changes, Allen Neighborhood Center, with the help of MSU’s Trans-ilience team and Triangle Bar Association, is now a site in which neighbors can not only get support in filling out these forms and navigating the system, but also receive help in covering the costs that come along with this process.

We believe that the affirmation of one’s identity should be a positive experience, and the reality is that navigating the legal process to change your name and/or gender marker is anything but. We strive to do our part to make this process better for our community. If you want to learn more, please visit the link below!


Market Walk

Market Walk is a creative food-and-fitness program that is designed to improve overall health by increasing physical activity, fresh produce consumption, and social connectivity through a structured walking program. Cumulative miles are rewarded with tokens to be spent at the Allen Farmers Market, which supports healthy people, communities, and economies.

Senior Discovery Group

The Senior Discovery Group has been meeting every Wednesday for the last 24 years for ‘pretty good coffee and great conversation.’ This program offers weekly enrichment for seniors with both educational and social programming, as well as snacks and guest presenters. Activities range from: international guest speakers from Michigan State University; elected officials presenting updates and receiving feedback; estate planning; bocce ball; crafts; age-friendly yoga, and more.

Car Seats

To make an appointment or to learn more information, please call us at (517) 999-3917.

Anyone can now come to ANC and get a FREE car seat check by a certified child passenger safety technician. It’s so important that children in our community travel safely, and installing a car seat can be a challenge. We are here to help!