Public Art Opportunity for the City of Lansing, Hunter Park and Kalamazoo Corridor Artistic Bike Racks
The Allen Neighborhood Center and Prospect P.L.A.C.E. Neighborhood have received a Public Art for Communities Grant on behalf of the City of Lansing from the Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) in the amount of $10,000. The grant was awarded to commission, create, and install a piece(s) of public art to be on display for the community. The public art piece(s) will be a uniquely created, physical work of art, which will be permanent in nature to endure the site, activities, and weather. The grant is intended to enhance economic development efforts in the greater Lansing region through placemaking.
The Allen Neighborhood Center and Prospect P.L.A.C.E. Neighborhood are currently accepting proposals from artists interested in creating two (2) commissioned public art pieces to be located in the specified locations near the pavilion in Hunter Park and on Kalamazoo Street in front of Allen Place. The pieces are to be creatively themed, functional bike racks. The proposed bike racks are envisioned as being highly visible to both pedestrian and automobile traffic while acting as landmarks representing the vibrancy of the Eastside and Hunter Park.
PROPOSAL DEADLINE: 12:00 PM, November 4, 2022 TOTAL BUDGET FOR ART: $10,000.00
1. Current resume with contact information.
2. Letter of Interest addressing how you would approach the project (two-page limit).
3. List three (3) professional references and including name, address, phone number, and email address.
a. List of municipal references if the artist has completed any government or municipal art project.
4. A minimum of three (3) JPG images of previous work. Images should be numbered and titled with the artist’s last name (i.e. 01-Jones).
a. Annotated photo list should include the artist’s name, a brief description of each photo, the title of the artwork, location, medium, size, and if a commissioned project, the budget.
5. A narrative and drawing illustrating the concept and identifying medium, dimensions, colors, style of work, installation method, artistic intent, and the number of bicycles accommodated (minimum of 4).
6. The art piece(s) must be completed and installed on each site no later than March 24, 2023.
a. Ability to provide emailed progress reports with photos on January 15, 2022, and February 24, 2023.
7. Itemized budget including all costs such as artist’s fee, design, fabrication, and installation costs; including transportation and insurance during installation.
8. Detailed installation plan.
9. Completed proposal must be emailed as a PDF.
The complete proposal must be received by the proposal deadline; late proposals may not be accepted.
The Call is open to artists locally and throughout Michigan.
The project budget is not to exceed $10,000 for an artist or team of collaborative artists. The project budget is all-inclusive, including the artist(s) fees, supplies, artwork installation, related expenses, and other associated costs. Transportation, travel, liability insurance during the transportation, and installation are the responsibility of the artist.
The bike racks will serve as functional landmarks and should be distinctive through the use of design, color, material, and neighborhood influence.
The bike racks will be installed in concrete and large enough to be highly visible and durable for permanent installation in outdoor locations. The bike racks will need to hold up to a high-traffic environment, extreme weather conditions, and potential vandalism. Suggested material includes, but is not limited to steel, aluminum, concrete, etc. An artist may submit more than one proposal. The artwork commissioned for this project will become the property of the City of Lansing.
The art piece(s) will represent the rich inclusive culture and vibe of Lansing’s Eastside neighborhoods. and be a source of pride for community residents and visitors. The artwork will be chosen for its ability to showcase not only the artist’s skills but also a sense of place in Lansing’s Eastside. This project is one of several initiatives aimed at enriching the community experience for residents and visitors.
The locations for these bike racks are in central, public areas that have consistent pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The bike rack locations are linked to the Eastside streetscape and directly connected to the city sidewalk network, and the Hunter Park parking lot for increased ease of access.
Location of bike racks
i. Hunter Park (on the east side of the Park near the existing Pavilion and Greenhouse)
ii. Allen Place (near the corner of E. Kalamazoo and Allen Streets)
Community Identified Themes
The bike racks are to have themes and be representative of the diverse cultural and urban agricultural history rooted in Lansing’s Eastside. The vision for these bike racks includes creative concepts that incorporate the history of the area or reflect the surrounding natural environment. The bike racks should capture influence from the history of the area and reflect the identified themes of gardening, plants, nature, wildlife and pollinators, aquatics, health, and community. Artists may also submit a proposal that represents the community and is not identified above.
The Hunter Park and Kalamazoo Corridor Artistic Bike Rack Committee will manage the stages of this project including circulating the Request for Proposals, reviewing proposals, and making a recommendation on the bid award. Allen Neighborhood Center will finalize the proposal and issue the contract. The criterion for selecting proposals includes, but is not limited to:
1. Originality: creativity and uniqueness demonstrated in previous projects.
2. Submittal of all required application materials as outlined in this RFP.
3. Style, scale to the site, and appropriateness: Artwork should demonstrate that it is compatible in relationship to Hunter Park and the Gardenhouse, Allen Place, surrounding neighborhoods, and the City as a whole. Artwork should reflect the culture and history of Lansing’s Eastside.
4. Technical considerations and feasibility are to be based on the artist’s work history and experience in completing projects within the timeline and budget, as well as the sustainability of the project.
5. Quality and craftsmanship of past work.
6. Safety and maintenance as artwork should be durable and resistant to theft and vandalism, as well as materials that require minimal periodic maintenance and are readily available for restoration as necessary.
7. Racks should be designed to allow bikes to be secured by both frame and wheels.
8. Project budget.
The $10,000 project budget is all inclusive of the project costs, including artist’s fees and expenses, taxes, materials, fabrication, and installation. Concrete is in place and does not need to be included in the budget. Transportation, travel, liability insurance during the transportation, and installation are the responsibility of the artist.
Call for Artist/RFP Release September 22, 2022
Deadline for Proposals November 4, 2022, at 12:00 PM
Proposal Review & Consideration November 5 – 11, 2022
Select & Contract Artist November 12 – 15, 2022
Fabrication of Art Pieces November 16 – March 20, 2023
Artist Progress Report January 15, 2022
Artist Progress Report February 24, 2023
Art Piece(s) Completed & Installed March 24, 2023
Unveiling of Art Piece(s)/Press Event March 31, 2023
Allen Neighborhood Center, Prospect P.L.A.C.E, LEAP, and the City of Lansing, will work with the artist to ensure that all parties receive publicity of this placemaking initiative.
The bike rack art pieces should have a spot for a plaque that would provide the artist’s name and recognition of LEAP and the PNC Foundation for the grant. Alternatively, the plaque will be incorporated into the physical foundation.
All materials submitted become the property of the City of Lansing and will not be returned. The artist accepts ALL responsibility for costs incurred in responding to this RFP.
The artwork commissioned for this project will become the property of the City of Lansing. The City will have no obligation to display the artwork for any particular time period. The City will not assign or grant a license of the artist’s work to any third party. Any award will require that the artist carry a one million dollar liability insurance policy naming the City of Lansing, Allen Neighborhood Center, Prospect P.L.A.C.E, and LEAP as additionally insured through the completed installation of the bike rack art pieces.
Submit completed proposals due by 12:00 PM on November 4, 2022
Allen Neighborhood Center RE: 2022 Public Art Proposal
Attn: Denise Paquette
2022Public Art Proposal – Bike Racks
1611 East Kalamazoo Street
Lansing, MI 48912
If you have any questions please contact Denise Paquette, at 517-367-2468 or
PROPOSAL DEADLINE: 12:00 PM November 4, 2022 TOTAL BUDGET FOR ART: $10,000.00